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MEDAILA pre PSA. Zelenskyy ocenil psiu pomoc z KANADY. FOTKY

Ukrajinský prezident včera (08.05.2022) ocenil medailou aj psa, ktorý od začiatku ruskej invázie pomohol nájsť vyše 200 mín a ďalšiu nevybuchnutú muníciu. Ocenenie dostal spoločne so svojím pánom, pyrotechnikom Mychajlom Ilievom.

Teriér Jacka Russella, ktorý dostal meno Patrón, sa stal v posledných týždňoch zrejme najslávnejším psom na Ukrajine. Volodymyr Zelenskyj mu udelil medailu na tlačovej konferencii pri návšteve kanadského premiéra Justina Trudeaua.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau  who is on a visit to our country.

During the negotiations, the parties discussed Canada’s support for our state in the struggle for independence and territorial integrity, as well as a number of bilateral issues.

„The people of Ukraine and Canada stand side by side in the struggle for freedom against tyranny that Russia is trying to spread,“ Volodymyr Zelenskyy said during a meeting with media representatives following negotiations with Justin Trudeau.

„The subject of our talks today was what we must do to liberate our territory from the occupiers as soon as possible, to return normal life to all Ukrainians. Canada’s defense support for Ukraine was discussed in detail,“ the President said.

According to the President, he informed the Prime Minister of Canada about the weapons that Ukraine needs to move faster to victory.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that the Canadian delegation had the opportunity to visit today the suburbs of Kyiv, which was liberated from the occupiers, and see for themselves what destruction Russia leaves on our land. In this context, he called Canada’s support for demining the de-occupied territories extremely important.

„The Russian occupiers left thousands of mines, thousands of tripwire mines and shells. They are a threat to our people, our children. And today we have agreed to establish maximum cooperation in this direction, so that there are no such „exclusion zones“ left in Ukraine, which cannot be entered due to the threat of Russian mines,“ the President said.

The Head of State called economic support for Ukraine no less important.

„Post-war reconstruction requires clear, bold, ambitious decisions comparable to the historic Marshall Plan. We agreed to work together to make this a reality,“ he said.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy also noted that negotiations are underway with the Canadian side to lift trade restrictions for Ukrainian exporters, which will greatly help our economy.

In addition, the President announced his intention to continue discussions on the abolition of the visa regime for citizens of Ukraine.

„I am grateful to your team, I am grateful to each and everyone who is here with us today in words, in deeds and in personal presence. Together with us at such a difficult time,“ said Volodymyr Zelenskyy, addressing Justin Trudeau.

For his part, the Prime Minister of Canada reaffirmed the unwavering support for Ukraine, including financial and humanitarian support. Regarding arms assistance, he said Canada would provide anti-tank systems, satellite communications equipment and more.

„We will provide everything needed and fund demining efforts,“ he added.

The Prime Minister of Canada also assured of further assistance in the abolition of customs duties on imports from Ukraine.

He noted that today he visited Irpin and saw with his own eyes the terrible consequences of the Russian occupation.

„Obviously, Vladimir Putin is responsible for his heinous war crimes, and Canada will continue to support Ukraine in this war against Russia. We will stand side by side with you in this beautiful capital, which is full of light, culture and history. We will stay with you for years, decades and centuries to fight tyranny, and Putin and his allies will see that Ukraine will win,“ said Justin Trudeau.

He also announced the resumption of the work of the Canadian embassy in Kyiv.

At the end of the meeting, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in the presence of Justin Trudeau, presented state awards to Ukrainian rescuers who took part in the demining, using, in particular, Canadian equipment. Among the awarded was the dog Patron who was taught pyrotechnic work by his owner, Major of the Civil Protection Service Mykhailo Iliev. There are already 236 explosive devices found by Patron. In addition, the dog, along with pyrotechnics, is actively involved in mine security education. Children love him especially, and thanks to Patron they perceive information better.

„Today I want to award those Ukrainian heroes who are already clearing our land of mines. And together with our heroes – a wonderful little sapper Patron who helps not only to neutralize explosives, but also to teach our children the necessary safety rules in areas where there is a mine threat,“ said the President of Ukraine.

Zdroj: TU

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DENNÍK POLITIKA vznikol ako projekt skupiny nezávislých novinárov a podnikateľov s cieľom zaplniť medzeru na mediálnom trhu a poskytovať správy v takej podobe, ako boli prijaté. V praxi to znamená, že prijatá správa sa nekomentuje (ak sa nejedná o komentár), ale sa podáva v tej podobe, ako bola získaná. Nechávame na čitateľovi, aby si vytvoril svoj vlastný názor. Správy necenzurujeme a necenzurujeme a ani nelimitujeme diskusiu. V tomto sme na európskom mediálnom trhu ako jediní, čo je tvrdenie, ktoré môžeme spoľahlivo dokázať. Veríme totiž, že sloboda slova je absolútna a nie relatívna, ako to je zakotvené v trestnom zákone takmer všetkých európskych krajín, vrátane Slovenska. Ak niekto zaručuje slobodu slova, ale obmedzuje ju tým, že tresce prejavy neznášanlivosti, útoky na inú rasu, náboženstvo, či etnickú skupinu – vlastne tú deklarovanú slobodu slova ruší. Kto totiž určuje ČO JE NEZNÁŠANLIVOSŤ a ČO JE ÚTOK NA INÚ ETNICKÚ SKUPINU? Zase len niekto konkrétny a robí to po línii svojich záujmov.

Poskytujeme priestor KAŽDÉMU, každej politickej strane – a čitatelia si určite všimli, že v tomto nerobíme rozdiel. Môže niekoho nahnevať, že dávame priestor niekomu, kto kritizuje jeho postoje, ale na druhej strane dáme priestor aj na reakciu, či na vlastný príspevok. Doteraz sme ešte NIKOHO neodmietli.

Vieme o tom, že náš denník nie je pre každého. Z tohto predpokladu sme aj vychádzali. Nie každý si chce myšlienky a správy utrieďovať sám. Sú ľudia, čo potrebujú spriaznenosť a pocit spolupatričnosti. DENNÍK POLITIKA je však pre týchto ľudí sklamaním. Poskytuje priestor pre každého a je jednak VÝBEROM informácií z celého sveta a na druhej strane FÓROM na vyjadrovanie pre čitateľov.

Ak sa niekomu zdá, že informácie, ktoré uverejňujeme sú nepravdivé, zavádzajúce a zbytočne škandalózne – mimo realitu, na to máme jednu odpoveď: Môže sa stať aj to. Tak ako všade inde, aj my máme rôzne zdroje informácií, externých spolupracovníkov a chyba sa môže stať. Na druhej strane uverejňujeme informácie, ktoré neuverejní NIKTO a to preto, že má strach alebo sa snaží ich zamlčať.

Čitatelia určite vedia o existencii WIKILEAKS. Jedná sa o sumár neuveriteľne znejúcich faktov a mnoho ľudí tieto informácie nikdy nevidelo. Môžu im veriť a nemusia, nič menej tieto informácie existujú a veľmi pravdepodobne sú aj pravdivé.

Pravda zvykne bolieť najviac. To je fakt, s ktorým sme počítali pri tvorbe nášho denníka, ale práve v tomto sme sa rozhodli nespraviť ústupok a presadzovať nezávislé informovanie a slobodu slova.

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